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Pelican Court Coffin Bay


“Building with Bradford Constructions has been a privilege. Both Anna and Trent have great design skills they are willing to share. Our residential build came in under approximate quotations. Building Cost plus a % was a great way to complete this project. Their honesty is worn on their sleeve. Their attention to detail, craftsmanship and communication was excellent.

They have an excellent pool of sub contractors and their building team completed the work promptly and well within the time frames. Trent keeps a close eye on the job. We would highly recommend Bradford Constructions.”

Bevan & Liz Mickan


Trent 0427 824 613
Office (08) 8682 1044

Builders Licence: BLD 173983


“Congratulations to you both! You are both worthy recipients of these awards – the caring manner in which you work with your many customers, the finest craftsmanship, and the pride which you place into the construction of your homes are indeed attributes that make you both highly respected. To be able to win these awards also emphasis’s the close working relationship you share with your employees and tradesman. Again, congratulations and wishing you every success in the future.”D & B Modra

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